The HPF Compact 03
Patented Valve starts freezing process only after pressure of 2050 bar is reached.
Samples are always in the same position.
Unique feature of freezing with and without alcohol.
Top loading of sample, reducing time between loading and freezing.
Small freezing chamber, slotted versus cylindrical.
Electrically heated components, including specimen chamber controlled +/- 1°C.
Incorporated Oscilloscope with USB interface to external PC.
Largest variety of specimen carriers, 3 mm, 6 mm, copper tubes, omega style carriers, cellulose capillary tubes, sapphire disks.
Correlative light microscopy accessory.
Copper tube freezing system.
Please emails for pricing information. The link below brings you to the consumables list in PDF format.
New control panel for the HPF Compack 03
HPF Compact 02 the previous model